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Ten Ways to Help Girls Transform the World
Imagine legions of girls confident in their creativity and wisdom; comfortable in their bodies and safe in their classrooms; and ready to take on the world. But we still have a ways to go to get there. In this article World Pulse asks women around the globe for their stories and compiles a list of the best ways to help young girls transform their lives and our world.... posted on Nov 15 2013, 22,827 reads


Today I Lived And You Did Too
"I'm going Hands Free. I want to make memories, not to-do-lists. I want to feel the squeeze of my daughter's arms, not the pressure of over-commitment. I want to get lost in conversation with my spouse, not consumed by a sea of unimportant emails. I want to be overwhelmed by sunsets that give me hope, not by extracurricular commitments that steal my joy. I want the noise of my life to be a mixture... posted on Nov 14 2013, 97,988 reads


Teenage Football Players Conspiracy of Kindness
Without telling their coaches, the football players of Olivet Middle School conspired to execute an extraordinary play at their next home game. Actually, it was two plays. The first was to get as close to the goal line as possible without scoring. And the second? Well, you'll just have to watch the video to find out. The most remarkable effect of the play? Says one team member, "I went from being... posted on Nov 13 2013, 8,147 reads


The Truth Demands To Be Lived
Among many other assignments, Americ Azevedo, philosopher, author and lecturer of peace studies, now leads a meditation class with 603 students in one of the largest lecture halls on the UC Berkeley campus. He has taught university classes in philosophy, religion, leadership, finance, business and information systems,and held the first podcast at UC Berkeley in 2005. He now co-teaches a class on i... posted on Nov 12 2013, 29,185 reads


How to Make Giving Feel Good
"On a fine summer morning in Vancouver, British Columbia, a graduate student approached passersby with a box of envelopes and an unusual request: "Are you willing to be in an experiment?" If people said yes, she asked them how happy they were, got their phone number, and handed them one of her mysterious envelopes. When people opened the envelope, they found a five dollar bill, accompanied by a s... posted on Nov 11 2013, 33,005 reads


Estonia's Bank of Happiness
Estonia's capital, Tallinn, is considered to be one of the world's leading technological cities - a city in which the majority of transactions occur online. But nestled deep within the constructs and limitations of this digital world, there resides one group -- whose sole purpose it is to harness the true power of the Internet for good. This "Bank of Happiness" doesn't transact in currency or cred... posted on Nov 10 2013, 10,697 reads


A 5-Year-Old's Reflection On Life & Death
Steve Lewis has seven kids and 16 grandchildren crowding into a life lived at the loud edge of chaos, so any quietly intimate moments with his five-year-old granddaughter are rare. He is touched as she wishes him a long life in her own way. This beautiful piece shares more.... posted on Nov 09 2013, 50,444 reads


The Meanings of Life
Professor Roy Baumeister wonders why parents often say: 'I just want my children to be happy,' rather than: 'I just want my children's lives to be meaningful." Yet we fear meaninglessness, and when we lose a sense of meaning, we get depressed. What is this thing we call meaning, and why might we need it so badly? This thoughtful article shares more.... posted on Nov 08 2013, 53,581 reads


40 Days: The Productivity of Retreat
"When I was a child, I wanted to be a hermit. I can remember in particular a strange background desire I had for some years to live alone in a pine forest. Why a pine forest? I have no real idea. I have never spent much time at all in a real pine forest. But that was where I wanted to be. I could imagine myself dwelling in the dark, dank heart of a pinewood. Life there, I knew, would be more inten... posted on Nov 07 2013, 25,412 reads


The Place Where I Write
"Sometimes I can't find tape to save my life, but I have all of these other objects always at my fingertips, and it is in the midst of these juxtapositions, this disorder and uncertainty, that I write. Not only does being neat and organized take time, but a tidy environment makes me feel compelled to have tidy thoughts. And never do they come that way. The disorder is freeing; may it all come any ... posted on Nov 06 2013, 14,712 reads


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You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart.
Author Unknown

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